Regardless of where you call home in the United States, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve experienced all different kinds of weather throughout the years. From tornadoes, hailstorms, hurricanes, snow, or whatever else, storms can come in many different ways, and without a doubt, can pose a threat to the exterior of your home.
So, what should you do after experiencing a storm, and how do you identify damage to the exterior of your home? In the article below, we will be discussing a few of the most common types of weather damage that your home, and most specifically your roof, are at risk of experiencing.
Water Damage: When considering a roof, standing water, as well as other forms of damage incurred by water, are a major threat to the integrity of your home. A roof without a proper drainage system can experience problems with standing water after a healthy rain, as well as issues with snow accumulation that will eventually have to melt in the heat. Beyond all of that, if your roof is aged, settled, or simply uneven, you’ll find that over time, the threat of standing water is a reasonable expectation and an unwelcome threat.
To add to all of this, it’s important to keep an eye on your gutter system as well. Once your gutters are backed up with debris, then rainwater is sure to invade the underside of your roof, and even the backside of any siding that may be on your home as well. Then, once moisture penetrates your underlayment, a repair or a replacement is surely in store. Of course, if the unfortunate scenario of damage becomes a reality in your home, then call your Johnson City roofing pros at Tri-Cities Roofing for a quote.
Wind damage: What level of threat does wind pose against the exterior of your home or business? Gale force winds, for example, which are strong winds that exceed 39 miles per hour or greater, have the capacity to remove or tear shingles, destroy underlayment, and expose and compromise the roof deck, all while putting your roof or exterior at great risk. Even winds of less severity have the ability to damage shingles by lifting, curling, breaking, or triggering buckling as well. It’s important, therefore, that your roof is installed correctly by a professional roof installer from Tri-Cities Roofing. At TCR, the job is done correctly from beginning to end, allowing our customers to sleep well while knowing they’re in good hands and their home is protected.
Hail damage: In Johnson City Tennessee, we’ve seen our fair share of hailstorms, that’s for sure. Now, while they tend to be brief, they sure can leave you with a mess on your hands when they finish blowing through your town. Over the years, we’ve seen roofs, siding, gutters, windows, and all of the sort, totally destroyed by a simple passing hailstorm. When it comes to roofing, hail can leave a metal roof peppered with dents, and shingle roofing stripped of its asphalt granules. This is an issue, because these granules are designed to protect your roof from the weather, and without them, your roof is greatly compromised. Of course, at the very least, the appearance of your roof is simply not the same once the granules have been compromised.
Our neighboring city, which we also service, has been hit with hail far too many times over the years. Jonesborough Tennessee has been rocked by those heavenly ice rocks on a number of occasions, and it’s misfortunate. Nevertheless, with the right insurance, the right installer, and the right materials, you’re sure to be safe in the long run against all inclement weather. At Tri-Cities Roofing, you’ll find the help that you need with all of these things, regardless of the weather.
Debris damage: When dealing with stormy weather, no doubt, you can expect certain debris to show themselves as a threat against your home. At certain times, debris can end up on your roof and in your gutters, posing a threat to the overall integrity of your home. Everything from small branches to large tree limbs, as well as leaves and other things that have been ushered in by the force of nature, can become an issue during times of troubling weather. Beyond gutter clogging and landscaping disruptions, you can almost certainly expect the possibility of damage to your roof as well. Dents in your metal roof or damage to your shingles, is always a point of concern during severe weather, but this is even more true in cases of loose debris being tossed around by the elements. In the event of such an occurrence, debris impact has the potential of leaving that area of your roof vulnerable to moisture damage and structural compromise just the same.
When severe weather comes against your home or business, what should you do first?
When dealing with your roof, it’s best to visually assess the damages first, while taking note of any potential damages that may be present. Take notes and take pictures to forward to your insurance adjuster, as well as your exterior pros at Tri-Cities Roofing in Johnson City. If any shingles are missing, torn, or busted, then it’ll be good if you have that documented as early as possible once the storm passes. In like manner, if your metal or tile roof has been compromised by the weather, then you’ll want to be able to show that those damages were immediately documented.
While working your way down the rest of your home or business, you’ll want to give a look to all of your guttering system, vents, windows, as well as any siding and soffit that you may have too. If you notice any busted siding, damaged gutter, broken windows, or anything of the sort, then note it and take a good amount of pictures to go with it. As you walk the perimeter of your structure, check for any broken tree limbs, hail chunks, debris, as well as any other items that may have caused damage during the storm. Keep an eye out while you’re at it for any broken fencing, decor, landscaping, or anything else of insured value.
Of course, last but not least: Be sure to examine the interior of your structure by exploring the attic and ventilation space of your home or business. It’s important that you check for any standing water, projectile intrusion, debris, and damage of various sorts just as you would for the exterior of your property. Make note of what you find here as well, while taking pictures to support your findings. Once you’ve done all of these things, don’t forget to call Tri-Cities Roofing to come out and do an onsite inspection of your property. As the exterior experts of Johnson City, Jonesborough, and the surrounding Tri-Cities area, there’s a professional on standby at all times, ready to walk you through your next project both thoroughly and affordably.